Tom T. Samaras
Reventropy Associates

Tom T. Samaras

Reventropy Associates

Editorial Article

Important Publications

Many papers have provided reasons for why women live longer than men. These include XX vs. XY chromosomes, sex hormones, and better care of their health. These factors certainly can affect male and female health, but none of these factors has been proven to explain the actual difference that exists in life expectancy between the sexes. However, a factor commonly ignored is the size difference between men and women. Past research has shown that differences in male and female height and associated life expectancy are related by similar but inverse percentages (such as 8% taller and 9% shorter life expectancy). A new paper provides comprehensive evidence that supports early findings that shorter height is a major factor in explaining why women live longer. To test the inverse relation between height and life expectancy, a list of 30 developed countries was used to compare height and life expectancy differences between men and women. The results showed men were 7.8% taller and had an 8.5% lower life expectancy. These results are similar to previous study findings in 1992, 2003, and 2009. They are also consistent with scores of studies showing shorter or smaller body size is related to lower mortality and greater longevity. VIEW HERE 

The above findings are consistent with over 100 studies showing shorter, smaller individuals tend to have lower chronic disease and mortality and live longer. Numerous biological and related factors support these findings.

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