Tom T. Samaras
Reventropy Associates

Tom T. Samaras

Reventropy Associates

Tom Samaras’ Publications List

Publications on Human Body Size:

Samaras, T and Lillis, JP. 2024. Longevity of specific populations. Future chapter in International Encyclopedia, Academic Press (2nd edition), UK.

Samaras TT. (2020) Height and longevity—a changing viewpoint. WJPPS, 9 (9): 570-574 abstract id/12979

Samaras, T. T., Marson, S. M., & Lillis, J. P. (2019). International Data Demonstrating the Inverse Height and Life Expectancy Between the Sexes: Height and life expectancy. SOCIALSCI JOURNAL, 4, 1-9.

Samaras T, Marson S, Lillis J. (2018). The close inverse relationship between male and female height and life expectancy. Innovation in Aging, 2(suppl_1), 888-889.

Samaras TT. (2118) Hidden benefits of shorter, smaller bodies. 2018. JSRR. 19(2): 1-7, 2018; article no. JSRR.40878.

Samaras TT. (2018) Harmful ramifications of secular growth. Cardiovasc Disord Med. 3:

Samaras TT. (2018). Implications of excessive nutrition and increased body height and weight. Annals of Nutrition & Food Science. 2(6), Article 1037.

Samaras TT. (2018). What’s good about being shorter. SOJ Psychol 5(1): 1-4: DOI:

Samaras TT,  Biological parameters explain why shorter or smaller people have lower cardiovascular disease and greater longevity. 2017. JSRR. 15(1): 1-16, 2017; Article no. JSRR.34729. Doi:10.9734/JSRR/2017/34729

Samaras TT, Health risks of higher birth weight, rapid growth, early maturation and taller height. Women’s Health Bulletin. 2015 July; 2(3): e26805.

Samaras, TT. Longevity in specific populations. Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences. Elsevier, 2014. Doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-801238-3.02878-6.

Samaras T. Human size. The biology of why it is best to be small [Feedback]. World Nutrition February 2014, 5, 2, 197-199.

Samaras Thomas T. Why Smaller Humans are in our Future. Policy Innovations, Carnegie Council. 10/20/2014

Samaras TT. Evidence from eight different types of studies showing that smaller body size is related to greater longevity, Journal of Scientific Research & Reports. 2014, 3(16): 2150-2160.

Thomas T. Samaras. Shorter human height has its merits and demerits. ISpectrum Magazine. July-August 2014, issue 08. Pp. 13-24 Download Magazine

Thomas Samaras.  Human Size: Short men live longer.  WN Feedback, World Nutrition. July-August 2014, 5, 7-8, 692 (13 of 22) Download Magazine and go to page 692

Thomas T. Samaras. How height is related to our health and longevity: A review. Nutrition and Health. 2012, 21: 247-261

Thomas T. Samaras. Shorter height is related to lower cardiovascular disease risk–A narrative review, The Indian heart Journal, 2013, 65: 66-71.

Salaris L, Poulain M, and TT Samaras. Height and survival at older ages among males born in an in-land village in Sardinia (1866-1915). Biodemography and Social Biology, 2012; 58:1, 1-13.

Thomas T. Samaras, Commentary. Human growth, height, size: Reasons to be small, World Nutrition, 2011, 2,3:108-135

Thomas T. Samaras, Ramifications of increasing birth weight, accelerated growth and greater height on health, the obesity epidemic, and longevity, Journal of Chinese Clinical Medicine, 2010, 5(8): 433-449.

Killewo J, Heggenhougen HK, Quah SR (eds) Epidemiology and Demography in Public Health, San Diego, Academic Press, 2010. Longevity in Specific Populations, TT Samaras, pp. 415-420.

Samaras TT. Role of Height in Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease. Journal of Chinese Clinical Medicine 2010, 51, 87-99. Download the article here.

Samaras TT. Are 20th-century recommendations for growth and height correct? A review. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2009, 22, 171-178.

Samaras TT. How our adulation of taller height promoted the obesity epidemic? BMJ Rapid Responses, June 30, 2004.

Samaras TT. We are too tall. Public Health Nutrition 2009, 12, 439-440.

Samaras TT. Should we be concerned over  increasing body height and weight? Experimental Gerontology 2009 ; 44: 83-92.

Samaras TT.  Longevity in Specific Populations. In Kris Heggenhougen and Stella Quah,  editors. International Encyclopedia of Public Health, Vol 4, San Diego, Academic Press,   2008,  pp 142-147.

Samaras TT. & Desnoes J. Increasing human body size and its physical and environmental ramifications. Townsend Letter  Feb/Mar 2008, 295, 100- 122.

Samaras TT (ed). Human Body Size and the Laws of Scaling: Physiological, Performance, Growth, Longevity and Ecological Ramifications. N.Y., Nova Science Publications, 2007.

Samaras TT. Re: association between height and coronary heart disease mortality: a prospective study of 35,000 twin pairs (letter). American Journal of Epidemiology, 2006: 165: 113-114.

Samaras TT. Nutrition, obesity, growth and longevity in Starks T (ed) Trends in Nutrition Research, Nova Science Publishers, N.Y.,  2006.

Samaras TT. Nutrition, obesity, growth and longevity in Ditmer LF (ed). New Developments in Obesity Research. Nova Science Publishers, NY, 2006.

Samaras TT. Nutrition, obesity, growth and longevity . International Journal of Medical and Biological Frontiers 2007, 9, 223-262.

Samaras TT, Elrick H, Storms LH. Is short height really a risk factor for coronary heart disease and stroke mortality? a review. Medical Science  Monitor 2004; 10: RA63-76.

Samaras TT, Storms LH.  Has our adulation of taller height promoted the obesity epidemic? BMJ, Rapid Responses 2004, June 30.

Samaras TT, Elrick H., Storms LH.  Is height related to longevity? Life Sciences 2003; 72: 1781-1802.

Samaras TT, Elrick H, Storms LH. Birth weight, rapid growth, cancer, and longevity: a review. Journal of the National Medical Association 2003; 95: 1170-1183.

Elrick H, Samaras TT, Demas A. Missing links in the obesity epidemic. Nutrition Research 2002; 22: 1101-1123.

Samaras TT, Elrick H,Storms LH. Height, health and growth hormone. Acta Paediatrica 1999; 88: 602-9.

Samaras TT, Storms LH. Secular growth and its harmful ramifications. Medical Hypotheses 2002; 58: 93-112.

Samaras TT, Elrick H. Height, body size, and longevity: is smaller better for the human body? Western  Journal of Medicine  2002; 176: 206-208.

Samaras TT and Elrick H. Less is better. Journal of the National Medical Association 2002; 94: 88-99.

Samaras TT, Storms LH, Elrick H. Longevity, mortality and body weight. Ageing Research Reviews 2002; 1: 673-691.

Samaras TT and Elrick H. Height, body size and longevity. Acta Medica Okayama 1999; 53: 149-169.

Samaras TT, Elrick H, and Storms LH. Is attainment of greater height and body size really desirable? (Guest Editorial) Journal of the National Medical Association 1999; 91: 317-321.

Samaras TT. Bigger people are becoming a growing problem. Earth Island Journal 1997; 13: 22.

Samaras TT. Why the future belongs to smaller sized humans. In FutureVision: Ideas, Insights, and Strategies,  Didsbury HF (ed). World Future Society, Bethesda, Maryland, 1996, pp 245-257.

Samaras TT. How body height and weight affect our performance, longevity and survival. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 1996; 84: 131-156.

Samaras TT and Heigh G H. How human size affects longevity and mortality from degenerative diseases. Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients. Oct 1996. 159: 78-85, 133-139.

Samaras TT. The Truth About Your Height. Exploring the Myths and Realities of Human Size and its Effects on Performance, Health, Pollution, and Survival. 1994.

Samaras TT. Lets get small. Harper’s. 1995. 289: 32-34

Samaras TT, Storms LH. Impact of height and weight on life span. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 1992; 70: 259-267.

Samaras TT. That song put down short people but…  Science Digest July 1978; 81 (1): 76-79.

Samaras TT. The stature factor–how important is human size in the energy, pollution and economic picture? Electric Perspectives (Edison  Electric Co) 1978/6  9-16.

Samaras TT. The law of entropy and the aging process. Human Development, 1974; 17 (4): 314-320.

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